Grateful, Lord, for the Church so dear

Grateful, Lord, for the Church so dear,
For the word that speaks to all, both far and near.
For mercy soaring high, for truths divine,
Accept my thanks, from lips so weakly mine.

In Your Church, knowledge flows, a boundless stream,
Where heavenly truths illumine like a gleam.
With all my heart, I yearn to be adept,
To understand, to show Your love, adept.

Thanks be to You, Lord, for a birth anew,
Not anywhere, but in Your chosen pew.
Though winds of false doctrines may fiercely blow,
The narrow path, with each day, closer I grow.

Grateful, Lord, for gatherings sincere,
For quiet hours with family near.
For those who share in my joys and woes,
Humbly, to You, my prayers they arose.